Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Eggs Benedict

Just an update on our move and new adventures...my husband is currently in GA in training and will remain there until the middle-end of March. I am in Wyoming this week at my grandparents ranch. The Melt kitchen is mobile and catering my grandmother's tea party at the end of this week. The menu is planned and the prep work is beginning. I will do my best to document the process to share some recipes and ideas with you! In the meantime, here is a favorite breakfast (although, I admit I have eaten it for lunch and dinner) loved by so many and extremely versatile.

Eggs Benedict is such a classic breakfast that I'm not sure if it really needs much of a recipe. At the same time, I make my Hollandaise sauce from scratch and wanted to share the recipe and hopefully inspire you to play with it as well.

Hollandaise Sauce
Source: original recipe

3    egg yolks
1    teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 cup butter, cold
Pinch of cayenne
Pinch of ground nutmeg
Pinch of salt

In a small saucepan, whisk egg yolks with lemon juice. Over the lowest heat setting possible, add butter in one whole piece and stir constantly until it begins to slowly melt. Continue stirring until butter completely incorporates into egg yolks without curdling the egg. The sauce will thicken gently. Remove from heat and add cayenne, nutmeg and salt. Set a small bowl over a larger bowl of very warm water; pour the sauce into the small bowl, cover and keep warm.

Eggs Benedict 

4    English muffins, split, toasted and buttered
8    slices of Canadian bacon, warmed
8    eggs, poached
1    recipe of Hollandaise sauce

Assemble by placing the English muffin on the plate, topped with a slice of Canadian bacon, and an egg. Pour a generous amount of Hollandaise sauce over the egg, garnish with chives or a sprig of parsley and serve.

Harmony's Thoughts
If you don't like "runny" eggs, cook them a bit longer (than the average 2 1/2 minutes) to firm the yolk up. This was my trick for easing my husband into any kind of a "dip egg". I got him hooked on Eggs Benedict and then slowly brought the eggs from firm to runny a little bit each time I made it....It worked!
The variation on this recipe is endless. I have seen savory scones and biscuits replace the English muffin, crab and salmon cakes replace the Canadian bacon, cheese added to the Hollandaise sauce and so on. Honestly........feel free to play with it and let something unusual inspire you. If you do, share with us in the comment section below this post!

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